Category: <span>Business</span>

10 key considerations for a business start up in Ireland

The business start up process in Ireland can appear challenging for those starting out for the first time. These 10 key steps are presented to provide a quick and easy overview of points to take into account and plan for.

Every business recovery plan requires safe payment options

There’s no doubt the arrival of COVID-19 in Ireland was as unexpected as it was sharp. Businesses across the country have been challenged like never before. In addition to the devastation Covid-19 has inflicted on cash-flow and day-to-day operations, it has also introduced significant challenges too. This includes how business owners can plan for and protect the health of its customers.

What Irish SMEs should know about the Credit Guarantee Scheme for

The purpose of the SME Credit Guarantee Scheme is to encourage additional lending to SMEs by offering a partial Government guarantee (currently 80%) to banks against losses on qualifying loans to eligible SMEs. The Credit Guarantee Scheme does not substitute for conventional lending that would otherwise have taken place.

Business planning process must factor for Covid-19 costs

The business planning process has changed significantly as a result of covid-19 and the long-term impact is still unknown. However, the emerging blueprint points to a costlier business model even before consumer behaviour is factored in.

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