The following alert has been received by a member of the public. The screenshot of the image below is a sample of an attempted fraud / scam doing the rounds…
As the Department of Finance prepares to launch its National Financial Literacy Strategy later this week, the question on the minds of many starting out in their careers is not…
By Frank Conway Every day, I work with adults across Ireland on their financial planning needs. Some are employed in jobs that do not always pay a lot. Others are…
By Frank Conway A few weeks ago, I was assisting a client on their UK pension buyback questions. Having worked in the UK for 13 years, they now wanted to…
Today’s stock market meltdown happened because a lot of smart people spent too much money on developing A.I. technologies in Silicon Valley. At the same time, over in China, a…
While inflation remains stubbornly high, the ECB will have little choice but to keep increasing interest rates. For many mortgage holders, this can pose a challenge.
Frank Conway is a qualified financial adviser and the founder of MoneyWhizz. He has worked in the personal finance industry for 30 years, in the US and Ireland. He has…
With changes to qualifying for the State pension (contributory) well under way, people are urged to check their details. This is particularly important for anyone with earned tax credits from abroad. This is especially…
Inflation is one of the four major risks to your financial wellbeing. And even though it has fallen significantly since peaking in late 2022, its corrosive impact never goes away.…
If you worked abroad, you are likely to be impacted by changes to the State pension calculations. So it will be important to understand actions you need to take.
For working families, preparing for life events has always been important. But with so many areas of personal finance to consider, where do you begin? At MoneyWhizz, we have developed…
We offer a range of one-to-one financial consultations via employers across Ireland. These are designed to allow individuals and families discuss the financial issues that matter to them.
In this seminar, MoneyWhizz explains in detail how pensions really work. We explain the different options and many tax benefits and even have some really useful tools to build a better understanding of what matters to you.