Welcome to MoneyWhizz, a leading, independent resource for financial wellbeing in the workplace.

Employer supports
MoneyWhizz works with leading employers offering them a range of financial wellbeing seminars and employee supports.
We focus on assisting employees develop better money skills that help them build financial resilience. This includes an easy-to-use approach on how to pay less tax. Or save for retirement, qualify for a mortgage and plan for a child’s future education needs. We offer a mix of webinar, seminar and 1:1 financial coaching. Our independence means there is no pushy product sell.
Understanding tax relief and credits
It is estimated up to €300 Million in qualifying tax relief is unclaimed in Ireland. In many situations, people have little, or no knowledge of their entitlements or how to reclaim. MoneyWhizz offers a step-by-step guide to how tax credits and tax relief works, qualifying amounts and how to reclaim.
Planning for retirement
Your financial needs today should be the guide when planning for a future retirement. MoneyWhizz has developed a unique Future Needs Now calculator. It offers attendees a custom view on how to protect their quality of life. This is achieved through targeted financial planning.
Saving & investing
Across Ireland today, too many people leave personal savings in low-yielding deposit accounts. At MoneyWhizz, we explain in detail how investments work. We describe what diversification means. We give clear examples how to search the market the best options to make their money work harder.
Putting families first
At MoneyWhizz, we don’t sell products, we offer knowledge to those looking to improve their financial situation.
Our FREE schools project
MoneyWhizz has developed a unique financial education course for senior cycle and TY students. This 6-part resource offers lessons in earning income, taxes, budgeting, planning, and insurance. It also teaches how to read a payslip and about investing. There is much more included. This is available free of charge to secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland.